
I'd like to thank the academy. Seriouly I would like to acknowledge some of you who have had a hand in giving me the courage and ability to do this site. I love you all!

Anyone that contributed to the purchase of the Tascam for my 50th birthday. I know it took me some time to get it but you can not imagine how important it is to me to actually be able to walk through life with a soundtrack of my own creation and how priceless it is to me to actually be able to hear some of the songs the way I imagined they should sound. While playing is amazing I can only play one instrument at a time and the ability to add some missing voices and just listen sometimes moves me to tears. This regardless of what value anyone else might put in the output of my creative instinct.

To our Mother, for choosing the life she did instead of pursuing her career in music. You gave us an childhood immersed in music and culture. When I think of you and your choices I can't help but believe the greatest most important music created by humanity does not come from symphony orchestras or skinny men with electric instruments in arenas. I am sure the most beautiful music created by humanity passed from a woman's lips to the little ears of the precious gift she bestowed upon the world. I have never heard a more pure expression of love than my mother and sisters softly singing with their beautiful voices to their babies. In some way I believe the musical output of all humanity are fading echoes of sweet lullabies for little ears.

Donna, you told me to write about something important to me. Well family and music are number one and two. No, it is not a discussion on the effect of evolution on psychological characteristics; but I am writing. Thank you for the nice things you said about the early primitives.

Walter and Gordon, thank you for listening and not fainting. Your words were encouraging though I'm not sure if they were the result of sonicaly induced temporary dementia.

Margaret, best pal, thank you for the guitar. If not for the Yamaki who knows I might have actually tried to do something useful with my life and we both know that would have ended in disaster.

Titania, thanks for being here when I was doing this and not telling me to get a life. Seriously thank you for saying you like my stuff. If that was true sorry for making you delete it from your phone.

Phillip, thank you for coming and letting me record you in my studio. I hope one day you and your sing night posse have enough songs recorded to have your own site.

Joce "the Boss" Bertrand for making me my pedals, lending me gear and putting up with my whining that I just can't get the right sound. The nice things you said about my playing early on coming from such an exceptional player give me courage.

Chantal, thanks for the cover photo and putting up with my special dysfunction when it comes to music. The up side is you are now an expert on walking on eggs. Most of all thank you for the love, patience and inspiration.

Baby Pink (A.K.A Beowulf), thank you for the cover art. Oh, and the extended loan of your bass and Les Paul. Whatever you do don't ask aunt Margaret about lending me instruments.

Enough of this sentimental sap take me back to the home page. But can we ever really go home?